5 Words That Can Change Your Life Forever

The LORD is my Shepherd.

This is the opening phrase of one of the most famous Bible passages. Many of you have heard this before, whether Psalm 23 was read at a funeral you attended or a wedding you were in. Or maybe, Psalm 23 was a half-time speech your coach fired you up with. It’s for sure known, but do we understand it?

These five simple words hold the power to transform lives forever. They contain layers of goodness, much like a decadent dessert that you savor layer by layer, bite by bite. Layer by layer you will taste the incomparable richness of Psalm 23.  Three of these 5 words hold profound meaning for followers of Jesus.

1. Shepherd: The Personal Metaphor

What image comes to mind when you think about God? Is it a Talent Show Judge, a Cop Around the Corner, or a Distracted Father? David saw God as his Shepherd. This not only reveals something about God but also about us – we are His sheep.

Sheep are inherently vulnerable, and not exactly the brightest of creatures. They don’t have horns, claws, or fangs for self-defense. Actually, if they fall down, they can't even stand back up without help. David's acknowledgment of God as Shepherd doesn't focus on weakness but on honesty and dependence. Sheep are vulnerable, but they are also incredibly valuable to their shepherds – the economic engine of ancient communities. Similarly, to God, you are valuable beyond measure, and He delights in shepherding you.

2. MY: A Personal Relationship

David doesn't say "A" or "OUR" shepherd; he declares a deeply personal relationship. I love to introduce Kelly as “MY wife”, and I love it when my kids introduce me saying, “this is MY Dad”. Just as we introduce our loved ones with possessive pride, David claims God as "MY Shepherd." Do you know the LORD in a personal way? David's relationship with God was intimate, filled with love, and characterized by personal pronouns.

3. LORD: The Great I Am

The word LORD is written in all CAPS, signifying the sacred name of God, Yahweh. This name, used 6,823 times in the Old Testament, speaks of the eternal, unchanging God – the Great I Am. It's the name Moses was hesitant to speak, and David boldly chooses it to describe his Shepherd. This is the God who reigns in majesty, the Yahweh of Psalm 23.

Fast forward 1,000 years, and Jesus Christ boldly declares, "I AM the GOOD SHEPHERD." The One David called Yahweh is now standing before us, offering comfort and guidance. The overwhelming pressure of life quiets when we hear Him say, My child, everything you NEED is everything you already HAVE, in Me.

Let's respond to the Shepherd's call. Make it personal – ask Jesus to be YOUR Shepherd. Acknowledge that "He who was, and is to come, is the one who lives in us, The Great, I am Yahweh." Let's celebrate the unchanging, eternal nature of our Shepherd. May you experience the layers of grace found in your Shepherd's care today.

Watch Mission’s Psalm 23 Series


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