Rut or Ready?

Farm roads are usually full of ruts. Those ruts are formed over time, as they are traveled repeatedly. In fact, if you’ve ever been on a farm road like this, you know that you can often let go of the wheel and it’s pretty much automatic where you will end up. The ruts are familiar, easy, and comfortable. We know where they lead and what to expect. Over time, what happens on that farm road also happens in our minds - the old ways of thinking become routine and mundane. We do what we’ve always done because it’s what we know. We become almost oblivious to other options because we are so ingrained in our old thought patterns, habits and routines.

It’s almost as if we have no choice. It’s almost as if we’re victims - except for the fact that we’re not. No, we are more powerful than we realize and more victorious than we ever dared imagine. Here’s why - when it comes to the farm road AND to our minds, there is another option.

A farm road is marked by ruts from taking the same route, the same routine day after day… year after year. CAN you drive a different path? Sure, but you have to DECIDE to do something different and turn the wheel a different way. You have to DECIDE to leave the ruts you’ve remained in for so long, to leave what feels easy and familiar and comfortable. You have to stop using the same old patterns and go in new directions.

Sounds like some new habits are in our future, doesn’t it?

Do not conform to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
- Romans 12:2a

Here’s what you and I both know, opportunities and obstacles are approaching.
I know you can’t see them today but trust me when I say, you have little time to get ready for what’s approaching. When these opportunities and obstacles arrive, it’s too late to get ready, you’re either ready or not. Do you need help learning how to Stay Ready? Stay tuned…


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